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Paul describes the apostasy and perilous times of the last days—The scriptures guide man to salvation. Read 2 Timothy 3:10-17. 1. What are some things that stand out to you in this passage? 2. One of Paul's key concerns in 2 Timothy is false teachers who deceive 479. Page 2. 480. JOURNAL OF THE EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY what he has learned and to what he has committed himself. The second leg (v 15 ). and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
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“All Scripture is God-breathed” 2 Timothy 3:16
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2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. What word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture? The Scriptures we are commanded to search. John 5:39. Isa 8:20. They are commended that searched and studied them. Acts 17:11 and 8:28,29. They are reproved that were unskillful in them, or slow to believe them. Matt 22:29. Luke 24:25. They can make us wise unto salvation. 2 Tim 3:15. 提摩太后书-2 Timothy 提多书-Titus 腓利门书-Philemon 希伯来书-Hebrews 雅各书-James 彼得前书-1Peter 彼得后书-2Peter 约翰一书-1 John 约翰二书-2 John 约翰三书-3 John 犹大书-Jude 启示录-Revelation 大家好,这里我的打 包分享为 您分享的是自己亲手打包的《圣经 HOLY BIBLE(esv-cuv)中英对照》mobi+epub版套装打包免费下载,压缩后大小14MB,介绍如下:圣经内容:旧 约 创世记-Genesis 出埃及记-Exodus 利未记-Leviticus民数记-Numbers 申命记-Deuteronomy 约书亚记-Joshua士师记-Judges 路得记- The Bible, King James version, Complete Table Of Contents Book 01 Genesis Book 14 2 Chronicles Book 27 Daniel Book 02 Exodus Book 15 Ezra Book 28 Hosea Book 03 Leviticus Book 16 Nehemiah Book 29 Joel Book 04 Numbers Book 17 Esther Book 30 Amos Book 05 Deuteronomy Book 18 Job Book 31 Obadiah Book 06 Joshua Book 19 Psalms Book 32 Jonah Book 07 Judges Book 20 Proverbs Book 33 Micah Book 08 Ruth 2 Thessalonians 帖撒罗尼迦后书: 1 Timothy 提摩太前书: 2 Timothy 提摩太后书: Titus 提多书: Philemon 腓利门书: Hebrews 希伯来书: James 雅各书: 1 Peter 彼得前书: 2 Peter 彼得后书: 1 John 约翰一书: 2 John 约翰二书: 3 John 约翰三书: Jude 犹大书: Revelation 启示录 帖撒罗尼迦后书-2 Thessalonians : 提摩太前书-1 Timothy: 提摩太后书-2 Timothy : 提多书-Titus : 腓利门书-Philemon: 希伯来书-Hebrews : 雅各书-James : 彼得前书-1 Peter: 彼得后书-2 Peter : 约翰壹书-1 John : 约翰贰书-2 John: 约翰叁书-3 John : 犹大书-Jude : 启示录-Revelation
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